Demon hunter build diablo 3
Demon hunter build diablo 3

demon hunter build diablo 3

Entangling Shot can be used in a solo pushing variant to increase your damage output by weaving two different skills, but it is quite difficult to play. Bolas is the only real alternative for T16 and Greater Rifts around 5-7 tiers lower than Hungering Arrow. While it is possible to play with other Primary skills, they lack proper legendary support to be an effective choice. This bonus stacks up to a total of 160% Movement Speed letting you literally fly through the rifts while destroying everything in your path. The (2 ) Bonus gives you a Momentum stacking Movement Speed and Damage buff. This allows you to deal damage while moving. The build focuses on Strafe and Hungering Arrow to deal damage, which is done semi-automatically thanks to the (4 ) Bonus that will automatically fire your last used Primary whenever you hit an enemy with Strafe. In Season 29 (Patch 2.7.6), the (2 ) Bonus Momentum mechanic was enhanced by giving it a 5-second delay before the timer starts ticking down, making the farming playstyle even more care-free. In Season 23 (Patch 2.7.0), the build has been tweaked to bring down its top-end pushing and fishing potential by capping the pierces on The Ninth Cirri Satchel to 4 while buffing the (6 ) Bonus from 10,000% to 15,000% to compensate. With its excellent mobility and damage it is an all-rounder for speed content. The Gears of Dreadlands Hungering Arrow Demon Hunter has made its entry during Season 21 and immediately surged to the top of all builds in the game, especially in solo pushing.

Demon hunter build diablo 3