How to get old minecraft launcher minecraft 1.14
How to get old minecraft launcher minecraft 1.14

how to get old minecraft launcher minecraft 1.14

We have changed quite a bit about the mod loading system, basic mod life cycle events are now run in parallel during Minecraft start. This will save a bit of time while starting the game. This used to be done every time you started the game.

how to get old minecraft launcher minecraft 1.14

There are a lot of things that Forge does at startup, some of them is to apply our patches to vanilla's code, and transform vanilla's code to SRG names so that mods can work between minor Minecraft versions. So hopefully it works for the next decade!

how to get old minecraft launcher minecraft 1.14

We now have a new loader called ModLauncher that is designed with Java9+ in mind. This is a fundamental change in how Java works and required us to re-design our basic loading system. However Java9 was released, and broke it. Initially we created a system called LegacyLauncher, which we shared with Mojang this allowed them to load their old versions into their new multi-profile launcher. In order for Forge to modify the game, we have to use a system that allows us to modify the java code as it is loaded. This was done to cleanup some redundant information and more directly link our versions to our source code. You may have noticed, that our version number has changed a little bit. Everything has been re-written from the ground up to hopefully provide us a platform that will last the next 10 years. This is one of the biggest updates to Forge that we have ever done. Unfortunately, some things went wrong, some aspects took way longer than they should have. This has been a long road, and I admit it has been a lot longer than I wanted it to be. Whelp, the time has finally come, we are ready to do our first Recommended Build for 1.14.4! I want to thank everyone who has helped work on this and get it ready to go.

How to get old minecraft launcher minecraft 1.14